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Q. What is Medicaid?A. Medicaid is a government program that provides health coverage to qualified low-income individuals including pregnant women, families and children, the elderly and people with disabilities. In some states, the program is available to all adults below a certain income level.
Q. What does Medicaid cover?A. All Medicaid programs cover basic medical care, such as:
Q. Why did I lose my Medicaid coverage?A. Medicaid eligibility is based on a variety of requirements. Some reasons you could lose Medicaid coverage are:
Q. What are my healthcare options if I lose Medicaid?A. If you lose Medicaid, your child or children may be eligible for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Your other option is to buy your own coverage through one of our health plans or the Health Insurance Marketplace during the special enrollment period. Most special enrollment periods last 60 days from the date you lose coverage, so don't procrastinate!
Q. Why should I shop through BCBSIL or on the Health Insurance Marketplace?A. You can do it all online! By using our site or the Health Insurance Marketplace , you’ll be able to shop for, compare and buy health insurance that fits your medical care needs and budget. You can also see if you qualify for low monthly premiums based on your family’s total income.
Q. What happens if I don’t enroll in health coverage after I’ve lost Medicaid?A. If you don't have insurance, then you might be required to pay a fee, which will be applied to your tax return that you’ll file in 2015. However, if you're uninsured for less than 3 months of the calendar year, you don’t have to pay the fee.