Life happens. Things change. Some changes can even affect your health insurance. They’re called a “qualifying life event.” What does the term mean? What Is a Qualifying Life Event? In most cases, you can only sign up for a health insurance plan during the open enrollment period. There is an exception, though. If you’ve had a major life change, you may qualify for the Special Enrollment Period . Some qualifying life events include: Job loss Change in earnings or household type A move outside of your current network Marriage, divorce or separation Death of a spouse who was the policy holder Having a baby or adopting a child Becoming a U.S. citizen Turning 26 and losing coverage on a family member’s policy Being a member of an American Indian and Alaska Native tribe Don't Wait You only have 60 days after the qualifying life event to sign up or change your health plan during special enrollment. If you’re losing insurance through your job, then it’s only 30 days to sign up for COBRA. Give us a call at 877-731-4649 or visit your local agent to learn more. Originally published 10/6/2015; Revised 2018, 2020, 2023