How to Stay in Shape on Vacation

How to Stay in Shape on Vacation

How to Stay in Shape on Vacation
2 minute read time.

Vacations are all about fun and getting away from our everyday routines. So, your normal exercise routine may not be a high priority when you want to chill. It’s understandable.

Still, even when you’re away from home, it’s easy to relax and sneak in some quick workouts. With your blood pumping and a burst of endorphins post workout, you may even feel more energized for the fun ahead.

There are a number of physical activities you can do on vacation that don’t take much time or require gym equipment. Here are a few go-to you can try while you are out of town.

Start your morning with a hotel room workout.
Before you set off to conquer the day, do some calisthenics (exercises that use your body weight for resistance). Three sets of eight to 12 reps of these basics should do the trick.

  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Push ups
  • Sit ups
  • Jumping jacks
  • Mountain climbers

Walk everywhere when possible.
Ditch the cabs, buses and trains and sightsee from the sidewalk. Plan ahead and book a hotel that is within walking distance to area attractions. Walking burns calories and saves money on transportation. It’s a win-win situation.

Take advantage of the water.
Instead of lounging by the pool, jump in. Do laps, tread water or just play with your kids. If you’re vacationing by the ocean surf, paddleboard, snorkel or scuba dive for a great workout.

Rent a bike.
Do some research and find out if the place you’re visiting has a bike share program or bike rental service. Peddling is a great way to burn calories while you explore your vacation spot.

Play on the beach.
Be social and fit! Organize a friendly beach volleyball match. Start a game of sharks and minnows or classic tag. They’re all great ways to burn calories, meet other people and have fun.

Don’t overdo it.
Since vacations are meant to be relaxing, don’t stress about keeping a strict exercise schedule. Aim for 40 to 50 percent of your normal workout routine.

See, exercise and vacation fun can coexist. And both do your mind and body a world of good! So enjoy your next vacation getaway while staying fit.

Sources: Tips for Exercising on Vacation, leaving site icon Sweat, 2022; 5 Travel Workouts Get in Shape While Traveling, leaving site icon NerdFitness, 2022; 10 Ways Fitness Pros Work Out on Vacation While Actually Having Fun, leaving site icon Well + Good, 2022.

Originally published 3/6/2017; Revised 2021, 2023