Get the Scoop on Avocado’s Health Perks

Get the Scoop on Avocado’s Health Perks

Get the Scoop on Avocado’s Health Perks
2 minute read time.

Lee esto en Español‘Fats’ don’t need to be a four-letter word in your food vocabulary.  Avocados are a source of healthy monounsaturated fats. But there are many other nutrients packed in their green flesh.

Nosh on their creamy goodness and get a body-nourishing dose of:

  • Cholesterol-lowering plant sterols. Avocados contain more of some types of these compounds than any other food.
  • Fiber. This essential nutrient promotes healthy weight, good digestion, and steady blood sugar. Half an avocado has almost as much as a full cup of cooked barley.
  • Minerals. Potassium helps control blood pressure, while magnesium regulates muscle and nerve function.
  • Vitamins C and E. These antioxidants fight cancer and keep blood vessels clear.
  • Lutein and zeaxanthin. You’ll see more clearly with these healthy-eye nutrients.

A few words about healthy fats: They help you absorb other healthy nutrients.  Studies show people who pair tomato sauce or carrots with fresh sliced avocado or guacamole absorbed more vitamin A from their meals.

Brown Guacamole is the Pits

Frustrated by how quickly your guac can turn brown? Try this trick from Epicuriousleaving site icon Put your fresh guacamole in a container that has a tight-fitting lid. Push the guacamole down into the container to get rid of any air pockets. Pour one-half inch of lukewarm water on top, seal the container, then refrigerate. When you're ready to eat, drain the water and stir the guacamole. Guacamole can stay green for up to three days with this storage trick.

Just Add Avocado

Here are some tasty ways to add avocados to your diet:

  • Layer sliced avocados on sandwiches.
  • Cook them up with eggs.
  • Toss avocados in a salad with grapefruit, watercress and cashews.
  • Mash and spread them on toast.
  • Blend avocados with frozen raspberries in a smoothie.
  • Serve them stuffed with cooked crabmeat, low-fat mayo or plain yogurt, spiced with garlic and cayenne.
Sources: The Nutrition Source: Avocados, leaving site icon Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, 2022; Fat in Avocado Helps Body Absorb, Convert Vitamin A Nutrients, leaving site icon Ohio State University, College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences, 2014; The Secret To Keeping Avocados And Guacamole Green, leaving site icon Epicurious, 2014 

Originally published 2/8/2016; Revised 2019, 2021, 2023