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Your member ID number is a unique number that shows you are a covered member of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois. It lets you access your health plan benefits when you need care.
Your member ID number links you to information in our systems. Care providers use your number to confirm you are covered for treatment or medicine when you seek care. Where can I find my member ID number?Shortly after you sign up for one of our health care plans, you’ll receive your member ID card in the mail. If you are a current member and your plan hasn’t changed, you may not get a new card. The card you already have will still work.
If you have a health plan through your job or another group, your member ID number will still be listed on your ID card.
This sample card shows where you might find your ID number. Keep in mind, this is only a sample card. Your card may look different.
Your member ID number will also be on a welcome letter you'll receive after you enroll. If you haven’t received your ID card yet, use the ID number and group number in your welcome letter to log into Blue Access for MembersSM. The secure member portal lets you access your digital ID card or print a temporary ID card.How will I use my member ID number?Always take your member ID card with you when you seek care. Your card ensures your doctor's office has all your health insurance information. Without it, you may be billed incorrectly for treatments and services.
Use your member ID card at the pharmacy to save on medications. Remember to check with your care provider or pharmacist to make sure your prescription is covered by your health plan.
You will also need your ID number when you call Customer Service or pay your bill.
Enter your member ID number when you want to log into BAM. This convenient online resource makes it easy to manage your health care coverage. BAM lets you:
If you are already a member and haven’t signed up for Blue Access for Members, sign up today. Will my ID number ever change?Your ID number may change if you switch health insurance plans during open enrollment. Your number should stay the same if your plan doesn’t change. If you are unsure about whether your ID number has changed, call Customer Service at the number listed on your ID card.
Originally published 3/11/2015; Revised 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2024
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