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As a Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois member, your Blue Access for MembersSM (BAMSM) account puts important health plan information at your fingertips.
Once you set up your account, you'll be able to:
Here's what you need to get started:
You can register on our website in just a few steps.
Your Username must be at least 8 characters and include only letters and numbers.
Your password must have at least 8 characters and include an uppercase and lowercase letter, a number and a special character.
Once you get it, you’ll be asked to return to the Login page to log in using your new Username and password. Register today so you can have easy access to your benefits, all in one place.
Register today so you can have easy access to your benefits, all in one place.
Once you are registered, you can also use the BCBSIL app to check your account.
Originally published 11/17/2014; Revised 2017, 2018, 2023