• Lower Your Risk for Colorectal Cancer

    The most effective way to lower your risk for colorectal cancer is to be screened. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that people at average risk start screening at age 45. Often, colorectal cancer starts with one or more polyp...
  • Spring Has (Still) Sprung

    Over 50 million Americans live with seasonal allergies. Most of them are prepared for the coughing, sneezing, nose-blowing days when everything starts to bloom in spring. Now they need to be prepared for the reaction of others around them. In t...
  • Why Should I Get Tested for Colon Cancer?

    Do you believe in the power of prevention? If you’re 45 years of age or older, one of those reasons is colorectal cancer, also known as colon cancer. Besides skin cancer, colon cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer for both men an.....
  • What in the World Is Chronic Kidney Disease?

    Your kidneys perform many important functions. Located just below your rib cage, one kidney rests on each side of the spine. Together, they remove waste from the body and balance its fluid levels. They also release hormones that regulate blood press...
  • I-CARE: All Your Shot Records in One Secure Place

    Did you just enroll your kiddos in a new school or daycare? Is your college junior about to spend a semester studying abroad? Are you about to enlist in the military? Do you have a new primary care doctor you need to bring up to speed on your medical...
  • Looking for a Quick Way to Get Fit?

    If you’re looking to shake up your fitness routine, you have a lot of choices. If you want to raise your fitness level but don’t have a lot of time, a shorter, more efficient workout may be the answer. The Centers for Disease Control and ...
  • Your Hardworking Lungs Need Protecting

    Your lungs help you breathe. But they do much more. They help you fight infections. They help your other organs work. They do so much for your overall health — and they need your protection. Your lungs are easily harmed. Anything you breathe in....
  • What Should You Eat Before and After Working Out?

    What you eat matters when it comes to starting or ending a workout right. It’s like fueling a car. It’s important to have the right foods at the right times. Have a snack or meal one to three hours before you work out. And drink plenty of...
  • Help Your Body and Mind Without Spending a Dime

    Can you get exercise by doing what you already do, without spending extra money or time? Exercise without calling it that? Physical activity without the intimidation factor? Yes. Exercise doesn’t have to be hard, take a long time or cost a lot.....
  • Think You May Be Depressed? A Screening Can Help

    If you feel down for weeks or longer, and it keeps you from doing your normal, everyday activities, it could be depression. You don’t have to just accept feeling that way. There are steps you can take that may help. What Is Depression? Depressi....
  • Give Your Weary Eyes a Boost with Six Easy Exercises

    It’s no surprise that exercise is good for your body. But did you know that your eyes can also benefit from a healthy workout? No special gear needed. How Can Eye Exercises Help? Exercising eye muscles doesn’t mean you can skip glass...
  • Protect Those Pretty Peepers

    Our eyes are a vital part of our health, but it’s easy to take them for granted. It’s important to make sure you keep them healthy. Here’s how you can keep your eyes healthy and injury-free. Have a yearly comprehensive dilated eye...
  • Early Detection Helps Prevent Deaths from Breast Cancer

    Finding breast cancer early is the best way to prevent deaths from breast cancer. Getting regular screening tests is the best way to find breast cancer early. About 1 in 8 American women will get breast cancer at some point in their lives. Each year...
  • Can Turning to Technology Help You Get Fit?

    Want to get more exercise, but something often seems to get in the way? You’re tired. You think you don’t have time. Or you just forget. We know we need exercise to feel better and help prevent obesity, heart disease and other health prob...
  • Colon Cancer: Know the Warning Signs

    No one likes to talk about colon cancer. And that’s OK, as long as you take action. After all, colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. You can take steps to protect yourself. March is Colorectal Canc...